Cystic fibrosis – CF disease – is a life-threatening, genetic disorder. The disease attacks the respiratory system, causing bodily secretions such as sweat, digestive juices, mucus, and saliva, to become thick and sticky – mainly in the lungs and pancreas. As a result, these organs become inflamed, clogged and blocked, causing a multitude of problems throughout the body. The airways to the lungs become obstructed, causing extreme breathing difficulties, and obstruction of the pancreas leads to digestive disorders.
Cystic fibrosis shortens the life span of those affected. Half a century ago, the life expectancy of anyone afflicted with CF disease was short, with most children not living long enough to attend school. With medical advancements in treatments and diagnosis, today, many individuals with CF live to adulthood, with a better quality of life that encompasses marriage and careers.
Cystic fibrosis is a disease that is widely recognized as a disabling condition. When adults with CF who work to provide for themselves and their families become unemployable due to their condition, disability benefits to which they are entitled are essential to their welfare and the welfare of their families. We will ensure your cystic fibrosis disability claims have been thoroughly analyzed, so we can fight for your claim to this disease.